
The opportunity to gain further governance and leadership experience within the dairy sector is available, with applications for DairyNZ’s associate director position now open.

Tracy Brown, DairyNZ chair, says this one-year position is an opportunity for farmers who have already invested time in public-good activity to contribute to one of their industry-good bodies and participate in discussion and debate.

“We are pleased to provide the opportunity to support emerging leaders and those currently contributing to their communities and across the sector, with the associate director role,” says Tracy.

“The associate director will gain invaluable experience and support from our eight current DairyNZ Board members, which can then be applied to future governance roles and opportunities.

“They will also bring their ideas, experiences and insights, and contribute directly to our boardroom discussions, which helps shape the direction of work being done by DairyNZ, on behalf of farmers.”

As an industry-good organisation, DairyNZ supports farmers to lead the world in sustainable dairying by investing in scientific research, new solutions and advocacy.

Since associate director roles were introduced in 2013, 14 dairy farmers have contributed to board discussions, alongside the eight sitting directors.

“It provides a unique chance to be involved with DairyNZ, how we address key issues, and how we are looking ahead to progress a positive future for New Zealand dairy farming.”

Current associate director Jonathon Hoets says that the associate director role helped him to build on his governance experience within a sector he is passionate about.

“My point of view was respected in discussions and helped with decision making, while having a mentor was invaluable, helping me to further develop my skillset as a director.

“Building relationships inside the boardroom, and with DairyNZ and the wider sector, are also part of the programme. For farmers that are passionate about helping shape the dairy sector and build their governance skillset, this is a great opportunity.”


There is one position open to current levy-paying dairy farmers who are demonstrating leadership within their community and/or the dairy sector.

Associate directors are non-voting roles and are appointed for a one-year timeframe, comprising of board and sub-committee meetings. The role will commence on 1 June. A commitment of approximately 30 days per annum and the ability to travel are required.

To apply, email your CV and cover letter to sheree.kara@dairynz.co.nz

Applications close at 12 noon on Monday 24 February 2025, with interviews to follow in March.

More details are available at dairynz.co.nz/director-vacancy

Media contact
Celine Walters-Gray
Media specialist
p: 027 247 9876
e: celine.walters@dairynz.co.nz

Page last updated:

28 Jan 2025
