
Prevention of lameness is critical to the welfare of your cows and to your bottom line. To reduce the lameness in your herd, you must first understand the nature and scale of the problem and this is where the Healthy Hoof app comes in, allowing you to easily record lameness information.

You can then use this information to identify and address the potential risk factors, assisting you to move your focus from treating lameness to preventing it - saving you time and money and your cows from the associated pain and discomfort.

You don't need to be a lameness expert. The Healthy Hoof app steps you through, from scoring to treatment.

How to use the Healthy Hoof app

App features

Lameness scoring

Detect lameness early on your farm by lameness scoring your cows. This tool is great for estimating the proportion of lame cows in your herd. If you vet is scoring the herd, they can use the app too.


If you're getting the cows in and notice a lame cow, tap on the app and flag her for treatment later.

Record and Treat

You don't have to be a vet to identify and treat lameness. The 'treatments' section of the app allows you to select the point of pain on the hoof that needs treating, and the app will indicate the type of lameness. Treatments are recorded, so you can track the treatment history for the cow and any herd trends.


The Reports section of the app is where you can track trends that will help understand lameness on your farm. It identifies your:

  • current lame cows
  • recurring lame cows
  • lameness type
  • frequency of incidence.

Data can easily be exported to your computer, so you can talk about the reports with a Healthy Hoof advisor, veterinarian or hoof care specialist.

Healthy Hoof app demo video

Video 3:38 min

National Dataset

The information you collect is synced to a cloud-based database. By entering data into the app, your are helping us build a national lameness dataset. This info will help us establish sector benchmarks for lameness in New Zealand. Don't worry, your data will not be tracked to your farm or shared with anyone.