Ross Bishop
Senior Area Manager - Hurunui and Kaikoura
A South Island West Coaster for 27 years, a DairyNZ Whakatane team member for six, and now based in Christchurch, Ross really gets a kick out of promoting and supporting dairying.
When he’s not advocating for dairying, Ross can be found exploring Canterbury’s back roads on the 1997 Triumph Trident motorbike he restored during Covid’s lockdowns – ‘Black Betty’. He’s also on the right road in his DairyNZ role.
“I liaise and network with our sector partners, to ensure dairy farmers get consistent messaging and access to the right people with the right skills and knowledge, so their businesses will be in a better position for the decades ahead.
“DairyNZ delivers important answers to questions farmers and the sector are asking. A big part of our role is ensuring both are ‘future farm fit’".
“We have the people, the knowledge, the tools and the networks to make a real and significant difference on that front. Not all the solutions will be delivered by us, but we’ll be involved – as we should be.”
Ross also mentors, supports and develops the area managers within his regional team, to achieve their professional and personal goals.
“I get a real buzz out of the things that I’m able to do for the sector too, both inside and outside of my DairyNZ role. Success to me is seeing people smile – being happy in what they’re doing and what they’re achieving.”
My qualifications:
Bachelors in Agricultural Science (Farm Management and Animal Production). Diploma in Business and Administration (Human Resource Management).
Career and connections:
Registered farm management consultant with and Canterbury/Westland member of the New Zealand Institute of Primary Industry Management. Member of the New Zealand Association of Resource Management. Member of the Ballance Farm Environment Awards’ management committee for the Canterbury region.