
Purpose Vision Values


3 min read

Your purpose Your vision statement Values & guiding principles

Purpose, vision, and values - these three elements shape your farming journey. Your purpose defines why you farm and what you aim to achieve. A clear vision statement provides direction and focus, capturing what you desire for the future - what you want to have, contribute, and the person you want to be. Your values, your guiding principles, act as a compass for decision-making, reflecting standards you uphold in all situations. Understand these components, visualise them, and share them effectively. A strong foundation in these areas can help drive successful farming strategies and outcomes.

Where do you want to be? Create the dream.

This can be a fun process which may challenge you to determine the purpose of your life and examine how your business fits into this picture.

Your purpose

Regardless of your journey stage, understand why you are farming, have a clear vision for the future, and a plan for how you are going to get there.

Successful people have focus, know their business strategies and success factors, and will be constantly looking for opportunities to make the most of their strengths to achieve their vision.

Determine your purpose

Can you communicate your purpose? Do you know what drives you and your values? Download and complete What is the purpose of our business.

Your vision statement

Successful people and businesses have strong clarity of vision. Your values and vision helps you determine and prioritise your different focus areas e.g. family, business, leisure. The key to a successful vision is having something that is truly meaningful to you and can be communicated to those working with you to achieve it.

What is a vision statement?

A vision statement is a high level or overarching statement/s describing what you want the future to be like and the principles or values you want to live by.

A vision statement includes three main areas:

  1. important things you want to have,
  2. contributions and accomplishments you want to make, and
  3. the type of person you want to be.

A vision needs to develop in your mind over time, and be captured with extreme clarity into a clearly written statement or detailed picture - especially if you wish to communicate and share it with the important people in your life.

A vision statement is like a personal constitution or written standard by which all options and decisions are tested and evaluated. It acts as a beacon to guide and inspire you.

A vision is a core solid foundation that seldom changes, in contrast to strategies, goals and action plans that frequently change in response to a changing environment.

What do you want your life and business to be like? What are the values and principles you want to live by?

How to develop a vision statement

Whether it is a picture, vision board, statement or a collection of key words is irrelevant.  Clarity is key - a vague vision isn’t one that we’ll pursue with all our energy.

Picture your vision and values in 20 minutes

Draw a picture or metaphor or create a "vision board" - how would you like your life to look in the future? Share with someone and have them listen and capture key words and phrases.

Write a vision statement

Use key words and phrases from your picture or vision board and planning wheel to write your vision statement.

Vision statement examples

"We want a business that provides satisfaction through goal setting, seeking opportunities and meeting challenges, while enhancing the environment and playing a leading role in the community."

"To enjoy life while steadily growing our business, extending our knowledge and having the courage to take on new challenges, creating a secure balanced base for our family."

"We require honesty, self-discipline, trust worthiness, commitment, enthusiasm, good communication, and respect for our business. We value courage, flexibility, passion and initiative."

Your values and guiding principles

What are your values and guiding principles? These are the principles you live by. For example, "treat others as you would want to be treated yourself."

What are values and guiding principles?

Values and guiding principles are principles or standards of behaviour that guide you and your business in all circumstances, irrespective of changes in your goals, strategies, type of work, or management structure.

A common characteristic we see amongst successful people and businesses are the guiding principles they apply to help make decisions in all areas of life.

Develop your values and guiding principles

Clarify and document what is important to you to guide your business and personal decision making.

Create your values and guiding principles

Last updated: Sep 2023

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