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Get MilkSmart today MaxT (maximum milking time) Maximise efficiency Milk Smart Events

Improving milking efficiency is the focus of MilkSmart. By making small changes to milking routines, farms can see significant gains in performance, quality, and profitability. MilkSmart provides strategies to enhance milking performance for both herringbone and rotary dairies. You'll also find information on MaxT, the most efficient strategy for milking that simplifies the routine. There are various posters and guides to help you understand and implement these methods in your farm's milking process, whether you use a herringbone or rotary system.

Many farms are making simple changes to their milking routines resulting in significant milking performance improvement.

Over half of the day can be spent on milking and related tasks. Small changes at milking time, can dramatically improve efficiency, milk quality and profitability. MilkSmart tools and events provide attendees with skills and strategies to lift milking performance.

Get MilkSmart today

The first step to becoming MilkSmart is an efficient Milking routine. The posters below outline the main drivers of efficiency for herringbone and rotary dairies. They have been designed as training tools to help embed efficient milking processes. The smartphone-friendly QR codes at the bottom of each poster, link through to milking related training videos.

MaxT (maximum milking time)

MaxT is the most efficient strategy for milking and makes the milking routine uncomplicated and enjoyable. Cows are milked to a predetermined time based on their milk volume. These guides for MaxT rotary and MaxT herringbone explain the basics of implementing MaxT.

Maximise efficiency in your farm diary

To further improve the efficiency of your milking system, select your farm dairy type below in the Additional resources.

MilkSmart Events

Events are delivered by our subsidiary, Dairy Training Ltd. You can find MilkSmart events listed here, where you can register to attend.

Last updated: Aug 2023

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