
Have your say in DairyNZ’s Board elections

Three candidates are vying for two DairyNZ Board of Director positions this year.

Your chance to have your say is now, with voting open for the DairyNZ Board of Directors election. Voting closes at 12 noon Thursday 17 October 2024.

Your voting pack has been posted out to you, look out for it in your mailbox.

Voting process

Levy payers can vote online or by post. If voting by post, it is advised to post voting papers back no later than Friday, 11 October, to ensure it reaches the Returning Officer before voting closes.

Vote online now

Your pin and password are provided in your voting pack.

Any farmer who doesn’t receive a voting pack via mail by Friday, 27 September, 2024 is encouraged to contact electionz.com on  0800 666 935 to request one or email  iro@electionz.com

‘Meet the Candidate’ webinar

DairyNZ hosted a ‘Meet the Candidates’ webinar on Friday, 20 September, where the three candidates were able to make a statement and answer questions from farmers, to help learn more about the potential leaders of your industry-good organisation.

Watch the webinar recording here

Board of Directors candidates for 2024 elections (2 vacancies)

The following nominations were received for the Board of Directors election. The candidates are listed in the order they appear on the voting documents:

Jacqueline Rowarth, Tirau

Jacqueline Rowarth

M: 027 694 4334
E: jsrowarth@gmail.com
Candidate video: Watch Jacqueline's candidate video

Candidate statement

Financial viability, science, communication and education – these have never been more important for agriculture on farm, in towns, and in the corridors of power.

On farm we need the results of excellent research to help with management of animals and environment to achieve economic viability. In urban environments we need communication on what it takes to produce high quality protein. In Wellington we need the science and economic implications to make our case to Ministry policy developers and Government leaders. The success of DairyNZ’s work rests on good science and the ability to explain that science within the context of economic impact.

I have worked in the areas of agricultural science, agribusiness, communication and education for over 40 years. I use research results on farm and around the board table to make a difference, while also taking information to urban groups and professional gatherings regularly and frequently. Like you, I am a levy payer who cares about creating a sustainable future. Sustainability includes economic viability as well as environmental protection. By achieving both we will be able to continue producing the high-quality products that underpin our export economy and provide New Zealanders with a first-world lifestyle.

Progress is being made on the compliance regulations that have restricted innovation and technological uptake on farm, but more needs to be done. Our organisations must take a higher profile in putting forward the facts and DairyNZ is in a prime position to make a difference.

I am a scientist and practical farmer with decades of experience in education, communication and governance. I will be the voice of science on the Board and in the field - science that has been set within a farm system and has had the economic impact evaluated.

We need that voice, and that science, now more than ever.

Interest statement

To the best of my knowledge and belief, I have no conflicts of interest with DairyNZ at the date of my notice of consent to being nominated as a candidate for the Board of Directors and I do not believe that any such conflicts of interest are likely to arise.

Richard McIntyre, Levin

Dairy farmer Richard McIntyre from Levin

M: 021 143 1588
E: mcintyredairy@hotmail.com
Candidate video: Watch Richard's candidate video

Candidate statement

I’m standing for DairyNZ because I’m passionate about dairy farming. I can see the challenges we’re facing as a sector, and I believe I can make a real contribution and difference around the board table.

My wife Emma and I are herd-owning sharemilkers in the Horowhenua where we milk 450 cows, rear 600 calves, and lease a 180ha dry stock farm as we work our way towards farm ownership. We have two teenage children, Olivia (17) and Matthew (15).

I’m currently in my third and final year as the Federated Farmers Dairy Chair where I also sit on the Board. Through this role I’ve led the charge pushing for an independent inquiry into rural banking, workable animal welfare regulations and practical immigration settings.

Many farmers are struggling at the moment with increased costs, reduced incomes, and squeezed profits. There are also some significant challenges when it comes to filling gaps in our workforce and the wave of environmental changes coming our way.

Farmers are quite rightly looking to DairyNZ for practical solutions that will improve productivity, increase profitability and reduce environmental footprint, but I don’t feel those needs are currently being met as well as they could be.

If elected, I’d like to see DairyNZ reconnect with their levy payers, understand our needs, and really focus on the areas where they can add the most value – their core functions of research, science and extension.

I have extensive and relevant governance experience including six years on the New Zealand Dairy Industry Awards trust, six years on the Wellington Fish & Game Council and two years on the NZ Fish & Game Council.

I have completed the Fonterra Governance Development programme and a term as a DairyNZ Associate Director.

If you trust me with your vote, I won’t let you down.

Interest statement

To the best of my knowledge and belief, I have no conflicts of interest with DairyNZ at the date of my notice of consent to being nominated as a candidate for the Board of Directors other than membership of the following groups or organisations.

  • Federated Farmers Dairy Chairperson and Board Member
  • Wellington Region Fish & Game Councillor
  • International Dairy Federation NZ Committee Member
  • International Dairy Federation Animal Welfare and Farm Management Standing Committees

Kylie Leonard, Taupō

Dairy farmer Kylie Leonard from Taupō

M: 027 257 7338
E: kylieleonard1@gmail.com
Candidate video: Watch Kylie's candidate video

Candidate statement

I am honoured to stand for DairyNZ. I have extensive governance experience, deep agricultural roots, and am a hands-on farmer.

My governance roles include Chair of the Connection Committee on the Fonterra Cooperative Council, where I have worked tirelessly to ensure that dairy farmers are actively engaged in shaping the cooperative's future. As a Taupo District Councilor, I have been a strong advocate for rural communities and sustainable development.

I am a firm believer in the principle that "farmers need to be at the table, not on the menu," I bring a farmer's perspective to every decision-making process. This commitment was reflected in my leadership of the Lake Taupo Protection Project Joint Committee, where I had to balance environmental sustainability with agricultural viability, ensuring that farming voices were integral to the conversation.

As a Director of Vetora, I contribute to the strategic direction of this essential veterinary service provider. I also have a passion for community extended to the board of Hillary Outdoors, supporting outdoor education initiatives that inspire the next generation as well as a trustee of Taupo-Nui-A-Tia College.

Contributions to the dairy sector and broader community has earned awards including being named a Nuffield Scholar, an Emerging Governance Leader award from Governance NZ, a finalist for the Woman of Influence award, and a Community Hero from Kiwibank. Additionally, I was recognised as the Waikato University Alumni CELF Leader in 2022.

As a hands-on farmer with a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the dairy industry, I am appropriately positioned to represent farmers on the DairyNZ Board. My commitment to ensuring that farmers are central to decision-making processes makes me an invaluable asset to the board.

I seek and appreciate your support.

Interest statement

To the best of my knowledge and belief, I have no conflicts of interest with DairyNZ at the date of my notice of consent to being nominated as a candidate for the Board of Directors and I do not believe that any such conflicts of interest are likely to arise.

The election result will be announced at the DairyNZ Annual General Meeting to be held on Tuesday, October 22, in Christchurch.

Directors' Remuneration Committee election

No nominations were received for a Directors’ Remuneration Committee position, which reviews and recommends changes to directors’ payments and other benefits each year. The DairyNZ Board will determine how this vacancy will be filled.

Resolution voting

Outside of the candidate vote, there are four resolutions for farmers to ratify in their vote pack this year, including the appointment of Independent Director David Hunt and changes to the Rules of DairyNZ to reflect new regulatory changes and capture recent feedback from farmers.

Read more about the resolutions in the Notice of Meeting booklet, with additional information on the proposed changes to the Rules of DairyNZ Inc outlined below.

Changes to the Rules of DairyNZ Inc, Resolution 3 of voting at the AGM

Following the last AGM in October 2023, DairyNZ’s Board engaged in a process of reviewing its Rules.

As DairyNZ Inc is an Incorporated Society, we have until 5 April 2026 to adopt changes made following the introduction of the Incorporated Societies Act 2022 (Act), which replaced the current Act of 1908.

The Rules of DairyNZ Inc have therefore been reviewed considering the update of the Act, with amendments having been made to ensure that they are robust, up to date and take on previous feedback from farmers in recent years.

The Board is now seeking approval of the changes as part of the Board of Directors election process, with Resolution 3 proposing one approval for all changes to the Rules.

Further detail and a summary of the key changes is outlined in the Notice of Meeting booklet from page 5, while a full amended version of the rules, along with a version with changes marked up, and the current rules are available below.

DairyNZ Inc is committed to regularly reviewing its Rules and will consider wider input and feedback from its members. In reviewing this remit, if you have further improvements to be considered for future years, please contact robyn.marsh@dairynz.co.nz

Join us at our AGM in Canterbury

This year we are excited by the opportunity to connect with farmers in the Canterbury region, and our AGM is being hosted at the Clearwater Golf Club in Christchurch on Tuesday 22 October.

We are pleased to have secured a guest speaker and warmly welcome the Vice-Chancellor of Lincoln University, Professor Grant Edwards BAgrSci (hons), DPhil.

Light refreshments and drinks will be available from 6:30pm, allowing the opportunity to network with other farmers, DairyNZ staff and board members prior to the AGM commencing at 7pm.

The AGM will present key highlights from the 2023/24 year, including how DairyNZ invested levy funds last season, a summary of the annual audited financial accounts and an overview of DairyNZ’s strategy and future investment priorities.


Monday 12 August: Candidates announced
Thursday 19 September: Voting opens
Thursday 17 October: Voting closes at 12 noon
Tuesday 22 October: DairyNZ AGM

Farm to Boardroom: Cam Henderson on leading DairyNZ | Ep. 81

Listen to Cam Henderson share his journey to becoming a DairyNZ board member, the challenges and rewards of the role.

Listen on:

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