What might be available in the future?
As highlighted above there are a range of actions you can currently take to reduce your farm’s emissions.
Further options and solutions are being researched. Technological and farm system solutions to reducing on-farm emissions, such as methane inhibitors, will be essential in assisting farmers to meet their emissions reductions goals. Research is underway to develop technological solutions and efficiency gains to help maintain New Zealand's position as one of the most emissions-efficient milk producers in the world.
What is DairyNZ doing?
DairyNZ has a range of projects underway to assist farmers in reducing their emissions.
The Less-Methane team at DairyNZ are working on several viable solutions that reduce methane emissions on New Zealand farms. Less methane.
The Plantain programme is a DairyNZ-led collaborative research and development initiative. The aim is to substantially reduce nitrogen lost to freshwater and greenhouse gas produced from farms. Plantain Potency and Practice Programme.
Southern Dairy Hub- This project is looking at range of issues that affect southern dairy farmers but also examining the intricacies and differences of emissions profiles of farms and how to best optimise operations for reducing emissions. Southern Dairy Hub
What are others doing?
Alongside DairyNZ, a range of other research and industry organisations are exploring new technologies and practices for reducing biological emissions, e.g., inhibitors, vaccines, low-emissions livestock and feeds and more.
The New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre (NZAGRC) was set up in 2009 to coordinate this effort and is currently leading programmes of work looking at methane and nitrous oxide emissions, soil carbon and future farm systems, as well as having a dedicated Māori research programme.
In 2022, recognising the urgent need for new technologies, the Government confirmed an additional $338m to scale-up efforts to lower agricultural emissions. Some of that funding is being directed into AgriZero NZ – a 50/50 joint venture between the Government and six major agribusiness companies. The venture serves to accelerate the creation of tools and technologies to reduce on‑farm emissions.
For more information on the actions that might be available to farmers in the future, see this helpful page on the Ag Matters website.