
We actively monitor policies, regulation, and any risks and opportunities that could impact the dairy sector today and in the future. This lets us mobilise our efforts, guide our science and research initiatives, and make submissions on behalf of New Zealand dairy farmers.


We push for fair and workable outcomes for farmers with policymakers. We do this by drawing on our science and research, comprehensive farm and economic data, and connection to the wider scientific community. Our farm-system experts test policy assumptions and modelling with evidence, research and expert opinions. 

Collective voice

We actively engage with farmers, so their voices are heard and represented in our submissions to decision makers.

Our View from the Cowshed and Briefing to Incoming Minister reports bring together the perspectives New Zealand farmers have on a wide range of issues, and the positive contribution our sector makes to New Zealand success.

Stakeholder engagement 

Our constructive relationships with the wider farming and scientific communities help us champion the voice of dairy farmers across New Zealand.

Stakeholder Group

What we engage on

Why we engage

Climate Change Commission

Emission targets, carbon budgets, emission reporting

Test assumptions, while informing and advising the government

Central government and regulators

Issues and policies impacting the dairy sector such as immigration, climate change, freshwater, animal welfare, and resource management reform.


Advocate for evidence-based regulatory outcomes and achievable timeframes

Assess and communicate risks and opportunities for the dairy sector

Receive implementation guidance for farmers

Communicate the positive action farmers have made

Align research and development, climate change adaptation investment

Inform outcomes for international policy

Share submissions


Regional Councils

Issues and policies impacting the dairy sector regionally such as implementation of national policies into regional regulation, and regional adaption to climate change.


Advocate for evidence-based regulatory outcomes and achievable implementation timeframes

Assess and communicate regional risks and opportunities for the dairy sector

Receive implementation guidance for farmers

Communicate the positive action farmers have made in the region

Sector bodies

Regulatory issues impacting the pastoral sector.

Bring a whole sector perspective to issues impacting agriculture.

Milk processing companies

Regulatory issues impacting the dairy sector.


Understand and communicate the sector readiness to implement regulation change.

Bring a whole sector perspective to issues impacting the sector.

Analysis and reporting of farm plans

Rural professionals and agri-business

Regulatory issues impacting the pastoral sector and aligning R&D investment.

Understand and communicate the sector readiness to implement regulation change.

Bring a whole sector perspective to issues impacting the sector.

Inspiring the public

Learn how we inspire the public with the good work of farmers while raising awareness of the issues and policies affecting the sector.

Watch the videos

To keep up to date on all the rules and regulations, visit the Groundrules website.  Groundrules is managed by Ministry for Primary Industries.