Inside Dairy February-April 2025
The February-April edition of Inside Dairy is out now.
The February-April edition of Inside Dairy is out now.
Featuring news and insights in the dairy sector, DairyNZ science and research, and inspiring stories, like our cover story farmers - Bill and Michelle Burgess from Te Poi. They share their breeding strategies and how they’re achieving genetic gain for greater efficiencies on their farm.
Also covered in this edition of Inside Dairy, you'll find:
With a breeding strategy that focuses on genetics and efficiency, Bill and Michelle Burgess of Te Poi are building a herd that’s raising the bar for performance.
Read the full storyComparing your operation with similar farms through DairyBase will help to identify necessary system tweaks before they show up on the bottom line. That was the experience of Horsham Downs sharemilkers Danielle and Bevan Cornelius.
Read the full storyThe 2023/24 New Zealand Dairy Statistics report reveals trends in the dairy sector. Mark Storey, DairyNZ’s head of economics, offers insight into the numbers.
Read the full story