
Workplace360 helps you

  • Identify strengths and weakness in your work environment
  • Determine actions for improvement
  • Monitor your progress

How it works

The assessment has three sections and it takes about 25 minutes to complete all three. Whilst you can exit after each section, we recommend you complete all sections at one time, otherwise you will need to start from Part 1 again.

Only you will get a copy of your results, they won't be shared with anyone without your permission.

Section 1: Foundation
Section 2: Good Practice
Section 3: Great Practice

We will ask you for a few farm and personal details to personalise the survey and email you the results.

A few minutes after exiting the survey, you'll receive an email from DairyNZ with the subject title 'Your Workplace360 results' containing a report download link. The detailed PDF report contains:

  • Your score
  • The questions and your responses
  • Suggested areas for improvement

If you have any problems retrieving your report after completing the assessment, please give us a call on 0800 4 DairyNZ or email info@dairynz.co.nz

You can complete the survey as many times as you like. If you would like to review the questions prior to doing the survey online, then download and print a copy here.

Further information

Fonterra suppliers

Fonterra suppliers completing this assessment for the Co-operative Difference must complete all three sections and get 100% in the Foundation section – all questions in this section are legal requirements so there shouldn’t be any surprises.

You will be given information along the way showing what evidence will be required. Ensure your answers are true and accurate for each farm, otherwise you may put the payment at risk. You will need to submit a copy of your results to Fonterra for auditing.

The reason for completing the Good and Great sections is about continuous improvement. If you want to attract and retain great employees then it is important to be doing the majority of the things asked about in these sections.

Go to Together we make the Difference (fonterra.com) for additional information.

Survey responsibility

It is up to a business owner on the farm to fill out Workplace360, that might be:

  • The farm owner
  • Contract milker
  • Sharemilker

All parties need to be confident that the answers given truly reflect the situation on-farm.

The person who completed the assessment does not have to be present for the dairy assessment, but needs to ensure the person who is present, has all the relevant documents.

Multiple Farms

If you have more than one farm, we would generally advise that you complete an assessment for each farm to maximise learnings.

If the farms have the same structure, facilities, processes, and procedures in place, you may be able to complete the assessment once to cover all farms. However, you need to be confident that any answers are true and accurate for every individual farm.

Evidence requirements

Evidence will vary from farm to farm depending on factors such as farm size and that is ok. The important thing is that you back up your answers with suitable evidence.

The evidence suggested throughout Workplace360 is not an exhaustive list, it is there to provide guidance.

For some questions it will clearly be a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer, others may have a level of subjectivity. Look at the types of evidence suggested to see if you could demonstrate to an auditor that you are completing the assessment responsibly.

Ethical supply chains

Proving ethical supply chains (that a product or service has been produced in a way that treats its people and the environment ethically), is of growing importance to customers.

Workplace360 is a tool which, when audited, assists in proving the 'people' component of an ethical supply chain.

All the questions asked in the Foundation section would be considered necessary for an ethical supply chain. In the years ahead, we hope this will assist New Zealand to tell more positive stories of our dairy sector and our leadership position.


  • Any information gathered is securely stored by DairyNZ Ltd and not shared in any way. DairyNZ will be using the anonymous aggregated results to monitor trends around workplaces and see how we can better support farmers.
  • The Co-Operative Difference and the Workplace360 reports are not an independent verification of your People, Health, Safety and Wellbeing performance nor intended to replace specialist advice on your compliance with legal obligations.
  • By requiring farmers to complete the Workplace360 assessment tool, Fonterra is seeking to support farmers to identify, manage and communicate People, Health, Safety and Wellbeing risks in their specific farming operations, and help them identify where additional thought and resources may be required.
  • Any recognition or verification of your achievement under the Co-Operative Difference should not be taken as Fonterra’s endorsement of your People, Health, Safety and Wellbeing plans or systems or certify your compliance with the law.