


Total results 183

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Total results 183

  • New study to advance modern, productive dairy workplaces

    A new DairyNZ study is looking to examine farm practices and technology, to create more modern, productive and safe dairy farm workplaces now and in the future.

    Project updates

    15 Dec 2022

    1 min read

    New study to advance modern, productive dairy workplaces

    A new DairyNZ study is looking to examine farm practices and technology, to create more modern, productive and safe dairy farm workplaces now and in the future.

    Project updates

    15 Dec 2022

    1 min read

  • Exploring results from the FVI trial

    DairyNZ recently wrapped up a four-year Forage Value Index validation trial, producing some unexpected results.

    Project updates

    6 Dec 2022

    2 min read

    Exploring results from the FVI trial

    DairyNZ recently wrapped up a four-year Forage Value Index validation trial, producing some unexpected results.

    Project updates

    6 Dec 2022

    2 min read

  • Dairy careers on show at National Fieldays

    DairyNZ’s GoDairy programme is continuing its recruitment drive during Fieldays week by showcasing the many career opportunities available in the dairy sector.

    Media releases

    29 Nov 2022

    2 min read

    Dairy careers on show at National Fieldays

    DairyNZ’s GoDairy programme is continuing its recruitment drive during Fieldays week by showcasing the many career opportunities available in the dairy sector.

    Media releases

    29 Nov 2022

    2 min read

  • Reflecting your herd better for future genetic gain

    Updates to animal evaluation are being made this December which will give farmers more confidence in the data, and will better reflect their individual herd.

    Project updates

    29 Nov 2022

    3 min read

    Reflecting your herd better for future genetic gain

    Updates to animal evaluation are being made this December which will give farmers more confidence in the data, and will better reflect their individual herd.

    Project updates

    29 Nov 2022

    3 min read

  • Government action needed on farmer feedback

    DairyNZ recommends the Government makes significant changes to its emissions pricing proposal – taking on board the feedback of farmers and their representatives.

    Media releases

    17 Nov 2022

    2 min read

    Government action needed on farmer feedback

    DairyNZ recommends the Government makes significant changes to its emissions pricing proposal – taking on board the feedback of farmers and their representatives.

    Media releases

    17 Nov 2022

    2 min read

  • Sector partners strengthen resolve to advocate strongly for farmers

    Primary sector partners have met and signalled a united determination to advocate strongly for farmers, on emissions pricing.

    Media releases

    11 Nov 2022

    2 min read

    Sector partners strengthen resolve to advocate strongly for farmers

    Primary sector partners have met and signalled a united determination to advocate strongly for farmers, on emissions pricing.

    Media releases

    11 Nov 2022

    2 min read

  • No deal is better than a bad deal

    When it comes to emissions pricing, DairyNZ says no deal is better than a bad deal – and only a fair and reasonable system will be accepted for farmers.

    Media releases

    3 Nov 2022

    2 min read

    No deal is better than a bad deal

    When it comes to emissions pricing, DairyNZ says no deal is better than a bad deal – and only a fair and reasonable system will be accepted for farmers.

    Media releases

    3 Nov 2022

    2 min read

  • Dairy farmers: Here for the long game

    Dairy farmers’ commitment to a better future for New Zealand is being shared in a new DairyNZ campaign, Here for the Long Game.

    Media releases

    31 Oct 2022

    2 min read

    Dairy farmers: Here for the long game

    Dairy farmers’ commitment to a better future for New Zealand is being shared in a new DairyNZ campaign, Here for the Long Game.

    Media releases

    31 Oct 2022

    2 min read

  • Farmer events to discuss emissions proposal challenge

    DairyNZ’s serious concerns about the Government’s emissions pricing proposal, and the next steps, will be discussed with dairy farmers at events starting this week.

    Media releases

    19 Oct 2022

    1 min read

    Farmer events to discuss emissions proposal challenge

    DairyNZ’s serious concerns about the Government’s emissions pricing proposal, and the next steps, will be discussed with dairy farmers at events starting this week.

    Media releases

    19 Oct 2022

    1 min read

  • Two experienced farmers elected to DairyNZ board

    Dairy farmer candidates Tracy Brown and Chris Lewis were elected to DairyNZ’s board at its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Invercargill yesterday.

    Media releases

    19 Oct 2022

    2 min read

    Two experienced farmers elected to DairyNZ board

    Dairy farmer candidates Tracy Brown and Chris Lewis were elected to DairyNZ’s board at its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Invercargill yesterday.

    Media releases

    19 Oct 2022

    2 min read