


Total results 183

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Total results 183

  • People Expo provides insights to dairy workforce trends

    People Expo events are back, providing dairy farmers with unique opportunities to better understand workforce dynamics, and ideas on actions they can take to find and keep great people.

    Media releases

    21 Feb 2024

    2 min read

    People Expo provides insights to dairy workforce trends

    People Expo events are back, providing dairy farmers with unique opportunities to better understand workforce dynamics, and ideas on actions they can take to find and keep great people.

    Media releases

    21 Feb 2024

    2 min read

  • DairyNZ welcomes farmers to apply for associate director opportunity

    Dairy farmers interested in progressing their governance career and contributing to the sector are encouraged to apply for the current associate director opportunity on the DairyNZ board.

    Media releases

    7 Feb 2024

    2 min read

    DairyNZ welcomes farmers to apply for associate director opportunity

    Dairy farmers interested in progressing their governance career and contributing to the sector are encouraged to apply for the current associate director opportunity on the DairyNZ board.

    Media releases

    7 Feb 2024

    2 min read

  • Inside Dairy: Planning through uncertainty

    We talk to farmers from across the country tell us how they look beyond a single season, to proactively manage uncertainty.

    Inside Dairy

    1 Feb 2024

    6 min read

    Inside Dairy: Planning through uncertainty

    We talk to farmers from across the country tell us how they look beyond a single season, to proactively manage uncertainty.

    Inside Dairy

    1 Feb 2024

    6 min read

  • Inside Dairy: Choose your best sires with NZAEL

    Find out how you can make better breeding decisions for improved profitability and enhanced sustainability on your farm, using NZAEL’s breeding worth Index.

    Inside Dairy

    1 Feb 2024

    2 min read

    Inside Dairy: Choose your best sires with NZAEL

    Find out how you can make better breeding decisions for improved profitability and enhanced sustainability on your farm, using NZAEL’s breeding worth Index.

    Inside Dairy

    1 Feb 2024

    2 min read

  • Inside Dairy: Testing the Forage Value Index at scale in the Waikato

    The FVI validation trial was established in the Waikato to evaluate the FVI at farmlet scale. Data was collected to determine whether the physical and financial performance of farmlets with higher- or lower-FVI cultivars was as predicted by the FVI.

    Inside Dairy

    1 Feb 2024

    5 min read

    Inside Dairy: Testing the Forage Value Index at scale in the Waikato

    The FVI validation trial was established in the Waikato to evaluate the FVI at farmlet scale. Data was collected to determine whether the physical and financial performance of farmlets with higher- or lower-FVI cultivars was as predicted by the FVI.

    Inside Dairy

    1 Feb 2024

    5 min read

  • Pōkaiwhenua planting to improve stream water quality

    DairyNZ’s collaborative approach to improving waterway health will see extensive planting take place in the Pōkaiwhenua catchment this summer.


    18 Dec 2023

    2 min read

    Pōkaiwhenua planting to improve stream water quality

    DairyNZ’s collaborative approach to improving waterway health will see extensive planting take place in the Pōkaiwhenua catchment this summer.


    18 Dec 2023

    2 min read

  • Nationwide survey shows farmers wintering well

    Results from DairyNZ’s nationwide survey highlights dairy farmers continue to focus on wintering well and caring for their animals and land, no matter the conditions.

    Media releases

    18 Dec 2023

    3 min read

    Nationwide survey shows farmers wintering well

    Results from DairyNZ’s nationwide survey highlights dairy farmers continue to focus on wintering well and caring for their animals and land, no matter the conditions.

    Media releases

    18 Dec 2023

    3 min read

  • Dairy farmers see lower feed costs ahead of summer

    DairyNZ’s Econ Tracker forecast indicates some relief for dairy farmers with reducing feed and fertiliser costs supported by the recent lift in global returns flowing through to the farm-gate.

    Media releases

    15 Dec 2023

    2 min read

    Dairy farmers see lower feed costs ahead of summer

    DairyNZ’s Econ Tracker forecast indicates some relief for dairy farmers with reducing feed and fertiliser costs supported by the recent lift in global returns flowing through to the farm-gate.

    Media releases

    15 Dec 2023

    2 min read

  • Dairy production stable despite climate conditions

    Dairy sector production has held strong in the face of difficult climate conditions throughout the 2022/23 season.

    Media releases

    14 Dec 2023

    2 min read

    Dairy production stable despite climate conditions

    Dairy sector production has held strong in the face of difficult climate conditions throughout the 2022/23 season.

    Media releases

    14 Dec 2023

    2 min read

  • DairyNZ welcomes govt changes to improve freshwater

    DairyNZ welcomes the government’s plan announced today to review and replace the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (NPS-FM).

    Media releases

    14 Dec 2023

    1 min read

    DairyNZ welcomes govt changes to improve freshwater

    DairyNZ welcomes the government’s plan announced today to review and replace the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (NPS-FM).

    Media releases

    14 Dec 2023

    1 min read