DairyNZ Board builds depth with Deputy Chair
As part of the DairyNZ Strategy review process the DairyNZ Board has included its governance practices, with the aim of strengthening the governance framework of the industry good organisation.
DairyNZ Chair Jim van der Poel said the review process ensured governance best practice, depth of leadership and pathways to grow capability for directors.
As a first part of the process the Board has established a Deputy Chair position and chosen farmer-elected director Prof. Jacqueline Rowarth for the role. Prof. Rowarth will provide key additional support in the area of stakeholder engagement which has evolved and expanded over recent times, says Mr van der Poel.
“We have seen the time demands on the Chair role grow as we have been called on to work constructively across the sector. One of DairyNZ’s key roles is to put forward evidence-based solutions that work for our farmers and rural communities and help us move dairy farming into the future. This Deputy role will help support our Board’s work with our sector, industry and science partners, and with local and central governments to fulfil that commitment.”
Jacqueline Rowarth, Deputy Chair.
Mr van der Poel says Board leadership and effective governance is critical to ensure DairyNZ is fit for the long-term as an organisation.
“We are setting the board up to deliver our new strategy. Sharing the load, building capability and depth is important for good governance.
“As a Board, we felt it was important to have a nominated Deputy Chairperson to represent DairyNZ at a governance level on issues that matter to our levy-paying dairy farmers. It’s a key role to support the effort we are putting into ensuring we have a thriving dairy sector for our farmers.”
Media contact
Celine Walters-Gray
Media specialist
p: 027 247 9876
e: celine.walters@dairynz.co.nz