
Dr David Burger, DairyNZ’s general manager farm solutions and policy, says the changes will allow farmers to take a more risk-based and catchment-focused approach.

“These positive changes will allow farmers to focus more on continuing to improve their wintering practices, through appropriate farm and catchment level solutions, rather than being concerned about national regulations, and associated costs, that may not be effective for their particular situation,” explains David.

“We encourage dairy farmers to check their regional council rules, to ensure they still meet local regulation, which are additional to national rules.”

Current rules and consent requirements will also remain for the current 2024 winter season but be removed for the 2025 season.

“Dairy farmers have made significant improvements with their wintering practices in recent years, lifting the standards of animal care while working hard to protect the environment. We expect these improvements to continue.”

Dr David Burger, DairyNZ’s general manager farm solutions and policy.

“Farmers also continue to improve water quality outcomes through their farm plans with more than 8,000 farm plans completed to date across the sector.”

Some notable wintering achievements were highlighted in DairyNZ’s recent annual wintering survey.

“Last year, 74% of farmers implemented at least five good management practices to support their cows and manage winter conditions,” says David.

“These findings emphasise that farmers use a range of tactics to care for their cows and the environment.”

Additionally, the results showed that 98% of farmers had stock excluded from waterways, with around 25,00 kilometres of fencing, while 94% had a buffer around their waterways to filter contaminants before they reach a waterway.

“Farmers should be proud of the work they have done to improve their winter management practice and look to continue this great practice in the seasons ahead.”

DairyNZ has a range of winter grazing resources to help farmers plan and manage their animals and environment over winter.

Media contact
Celine Walters-Gray
Media specialist
p: 027 247 9876
e: celine.walters@dairynz.co.nz

Page last updated:

23 Apr 2024
