
Bridget Maclean, currently Scientist Lead at DairyNZ, has been appointed as general manager new systems and competitiveness, while Dr David Burger, currently strategy and investment leader for responsible dairy, has been appointed as general manager sustainable dairy (formally known as general manager responsible dairy). 

Maclean has worked in agriculture, dairy, and science for more than 25 years’, including with Dow AgroSciences, Ballance, Fonterra, and Waikato Regional Council. She joined the DairyNZ team in 2020.

Dr Mackle says Maclean is incredibly passionate, hard-working and strategic.

“Bridget’s broad experience leading large research teams and product development projects will be invaluable as DairyNZ supports farmers and the wider sector to navigate the various challenges facing New Zealand dairy in the short, medium and long-term,” says Dr Mackle.

A Waikato University PhD graduate, Dr Burger has over 20 years’ experience working in the fields of research, science, water quality, sustainability and investment leadership.

He worked offshore in the Netherlands and Singapore, before returning to New Zealand in 2013 to take up a role as senior water quality specialist at DairyNZ.

“During David’s time at DairyNZ, he has been involved in many impactful national projects, working with farmers, dairy companies, regional councils, and government, to achieve the best outcomes for dairy farmers,” he says.

“He brings a mixture of science, strategy and operational delivery expertise to the role, so is well-placed to support the delivery of sustainable dairy farming in New Zealand.

“We’re thrilled to be able to appoint two outstanding candidates into these roles from a very strong pool of external and internal applicants. They will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to our leadership team, as we work together to deliver on our vision of a better future for New Zealand dairy farmers,” he adds.

Dr Burger commences his new role effective immediately, while Maclean will replace Dr David McCall at the end of April, who heads off to a well-deserved retirement after 15 years with DairyNZ.

Media contact
Charlotte FitzPatrick
Marketing and Communications
027 1800 2998

Page last updated:

25 Mar 2022


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